Dream of desire ep 6 free download

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Here’s the deal: grab a pen and some paper and start writing. There’s no way I’m posting the full list here (we could call it “too much typing,” but “too much vulnerability” is probably more like it) but today I’m sharing a snippet. Logging 10.5 hours in the car (even when split over two days) has an upside: I did it. (This wasn’t actually all that unusual: we have a long history of talking Crazy Talk in the car.) For some reason, this exercise has been on my mind recently, and when we prepped for our big drive down to Florida last week, I packed a legal pad and a pen and warned Will this was happening (and that I needed his ideas). I’ve made a couple of stabs at a full 100-item list since then. It was harder than I thought: I only put 27 items on my list. I made my first attempt right after reading the book for the first time back in 2011.

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The idea is this: to help you think through how you want to spend your time (in the big-picture sense) brainstorm an unedited list of anything you want to do (or want to do more of) in your life.

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For almost 5 years, I’ve been trying to complete an exercise I first read about in Laura Vanderkam’s book 168 Hours: You Have More Time Than You Think: create a personal list of 100 dreams.

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